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  • http://ac2.grerge09dwfeae.com/http://ac2.grerge09dwfeae.com/
  • 意甲笑话
  • 2024-05-11 09:28:51
  • 170

你知道吗?意甲最喜欢的笑话是关于自己足球技巧的!有一次,意甲在训练场上跑步时,一个 teammate ask him:“Maestro, how do you keep your pace so high even after all these years?”意甲一听,就回答说:“It''s because I''m always laughing at my own jokes!”

有时候,意甲会用自己的笑话来鼓励球员。他曾经对一个新进的队友说:“Why did the chicken cross the road?”“To get away from the goalkeeper’s kicks!”队友一听,就笑了起来!

球场上,意甲总是带着幽默的气息。有一次,他在训练中对一个队友说:“I''m not lazy, I''m just conserving energy for my next goal celebration dance move!”队友们都哈哈笑了起来!

意甲最爱玩的游戏是“Who can make the most ridiculous face in the dressing room?”他认为,这个游戏可以帮助球员放松、轻松。有一次,他自己做了一个那么夸张的面孔,队友们都笑到了!

在球场外,意甲也爱玩笑话。他曾经对一个记者说:“Why did the coach bring a ladder to the game?”“Because he wanted to take his team''s performance to new heights...literally!”记者都哈哈笑了起来!
