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  • http://ac2.grerge09dwfeae.com/http://ac2.grerge09dwfeae.com/
  • 意甲底薪
  • 2024-05-11 16:13:56
  • 207


根据意大利劳动法, employers must pay their employees a minimum wage, which is currently set at €1,350 per month. However, this minimum wage does not apply to athletes.html">athletes who are considered "high-skilled" workers and are exempt from the usual labor laws. This means that footballer.html">footballers can negotiate their own salaries with their clubs, which can be significantly higher than the minimum wage.

According to various sources, top players.html">players in the Italian league can earn anywhere from €5 million to €10 million per year. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo, who plays for juventus.html">Juventus, reportedly earns around €31 million per year. Other high-profile players like Paulo Dybala and Gonzalo Higuaín also earn millions of euros each year.

However, it''s not all sunshine and rainbows for footballers. They are often required to pay a significant portion of their income in taxes, which can eat into their earnings. Additionally, the length of their playing careers is relatively short compared to other professionals, making retirement planning a challenge.html">challenge.

In conclusion, the mystery surrounding the salaries of Italian football players has been solved. While they may earn millions of euros per year, their actual take-home pay may be significantly lower due to taxes and other factors. Nonetheless, being a professional footballer remains an attractive career choice for many young athletes around the world.