意大利足协官方今天宣布,帕尔马足球俱乐部将重新回到意大利甲级联赛(意甲) Participating in the 2022-23 season.
自2017年以来,帕尔马一直在意大利乙级联赛(意乙)角逐,但经过几年的努力,他们最终夺回了参赛权。 Paola''s return to Serie A marks a major milestone for the club and its fans.
Paola''s return to Serie A is a testament to the club''s hard work and perseverance. Despite facing many challenge.html">challenges.html">challenges in recent years, they have managed to stay strong and focused on their goal.
现在,帕尔马正积极准备新的挑战,他们的目标是在意甲中取得出色的表现,并且争取更高的竞赛水平。 The club''s return to Serie A is a major boost for Italian football, and fans are eagerly anticipating the start of the new season.