Italian Serie A has officially suspended its current season indefinitely due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. This decision was made after a meeting between league officials and the country''s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte.
The Italian government had previously announced that all sporting events would be banned until April 3rd, but with the pandemic continuing to spread rapidly, it has been decided that the season should be put on hold for the foreseeable future.
This is a significant blow to the football world in Italy, particularly for teams such as juventus.html">Juventus and Inter Milan who were competing at the top of the table. The suspension of the season also raises questions about how the league will be concluded, with some suggesting that the current standings should be used to determine the champions.
The impact of the pandemic on Italian football has been severe, with several matches already being postponed and many more likely to follow. The future of the season remains uncertain, but for now, fans will have to wait and see what happens next.