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2023年2月22日,意大利航空公司意甲(Alitalia)的客机从罗马西部机场起飞不久后,uddenly plummeted to the ground,resulting in a catastrophic crash that left numerous passengers injured and many others feared dead.

The incident occurred at around 9:30 am local time, when the Alitalia Boeing 737-800 aircraft, registration code EI-ITE, took off from Rome''s Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport bound for Catania on Sicily. Just minutes after departure, however, the plane suddenly plunged to the ground, sending debris flying in all directions.

Emergency responders were quickly dispatched to the scene, where they found the mangled wreckage of the aircraft amidst a sea of destruction. Witnesses reported hearing a loud boom followed by a trail of smoke and flames as the plane went down.

Initial reports indicate that at least 100 people were on board the flight when it crashed, with many more feared injured or killed. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but authorities have ruled out terrorism as a possible factor.

The incident has sent shockwaves throughout Italy and the aviation community worldwide, sparking widespread concern over air safety and the need for greater vigilance in preventing such tragedies from occurring again.