1998-1999赛季是意大利足球甲级联赛(Serie A)的第77个赛季。这一年,AC米兰夺冠,这是他们的12次冠军。在该赛季中,AC米兰以82分排名第一,第二的是Juventus,以71分排名第二。AS罗马排第三,以59分排名。在射手榜中,Filippo Inzaghi(AC米兰)和Andrea...
Italy''s top scorer in the 2020-21 season is a title that has been hotly contested by some of the country''s most talented strikers. According to the ...
意甲2020新赛程(Italian Serie A 2020-21 season schedule)正式公布,新的赛季将于2020年9月中旬开始。下面是意甲2020新赛程的详细信息:在2020-21赛季中,意甲共计20支球队参与竞争,每支球队需要进行38场比赛,以确定本赛季的冠军。首秀将于9月12日...
Italian football has been hit by another major blow as the country''s top division, Serie A, has announced that it will be cancelling the current seas...